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What is the Durbin Amendment for Payments in the USA?

What is the Durbin Amendment for Payments in the USA?

The Durbin Amendment has reshaped the U.S. financial system since it began in 2010. Named after its chief advocate, Senator Richard Durbin, this legislative moved was designed to fix the increasing interchange fees charged by banks for debit card transactions.  By limiting debit card fees, the amendment tried to make

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How debit cards work

How do Debit Cards Work?

Debit cards have had a steady evolution from the early days of electronic funds transfer to the widely accepted payment method we know today. Debit

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Online Payment Processing Companies

Online Payment Processing Companies

Online payment processing companies are businesses that facilitate electronic payments for goods and services over the internet. This can be with computers, laptops, mobile phones,

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B2B payment processing by TCM

B2B Payment Processing

The B2B (business to business) payments market globally was valued at over $900 Billion in 2022 and is growing at over 10% per year. It’s

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The Average Interchange Fee That Merchants Pay

The Average Interchange Fee

Interchange fees are the biggest part of the fees that merchants pay whenever a credit card is used for a transaction at their business. This

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