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Articles on Payments


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What is the Durbin Amendment for Payments in the USA?

What is the Durbin Amendment for Payments in the USA?

The Durbin Amendment has reshaped the U.S. financial system since it began in 2010. Named after its chief advocate, Senator Richard Durbin, this legislative moved was designed to fix the increasing interchange fees charged by banks for debit card transactions.  By limiting debit card fees, the amendment tried to make

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The Rise of P2P Payments

The Rise of P2P Payments

The rise of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) payments is a significant transformation in the world of finance and financial transactions. These payment methods, facilitated by mobile apps

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What is NFC and Contactless Payments?

What is NFC and Contactless Payments?

In today’s fast-paced and digital-driven world, the way we conduct financial transactions has evolved drastically. One of the most significant advancements in this realm is

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What is SSL in Payments?

What is SSL in Payments?

Security is of paramount importance in online payments. Customers need to trust that their sensitive financial information is safe and businesses must ensure the integrity

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What are Merchant Services?

What are Merchant Services?

Digital payments have become the lifeblood of commerce. Whether you’re a local retail store, an eCommerce giant, or a small business owner, your ability to

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