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WordPress payments and online credit card processing

WordPress payments for online credit card processing

WordPress is one of the most common platforms to run websites. There are around 450 million websites that use WordPress. That means around 20% of the internet runs on WordPress. This is one reason we put extra effort to make it simple to take online payments on your WordPress website.

There are several options to create a seamless experience for credit card payments on WordPress. We will cover these options along with other considerations such as security and credit card processing fees in this article.

Creating a simple payment page on WordPress

Some businesses simply need a single payment page for customers to pay their invoices with a credit card. A single payment page is used frequently by specialty retailers, accountants, dentists, and many more types of businesses.

Using TCM, you simply download a form builder plugin like Ninja Forms. The form plugin allows you to create a payment form on a WordPress page. 

Example payment page on WordPress

There are generally pre-built fields in the form builder plugins for entering credit card data such as credit card number, expiry date, and security code. TCM makes the next steps very simple. TCM will seamlessly connect to the form for payment processing by entering your merchant account credentials. Furthermore, we will handle transaction processing, fraud detection, and PCI security concerns.

There are many other form plugins that work, however we have found that many merchants like Ninja Forms. The WordPress payment form can collect any custom information you want for a payment transaction. This could be information such as an invoice ID, customer number, email, and even credit card information for future purchases by your customers.

For some of the more technical users, you can skip the form plugin and directly build your own custom forms. Your custom form can easily integrate with the payment gateway from TCM with an open set of payment APIs.

An eCommerce or online store on WordPress

Online shopping is growing at an incredible rate. In 2020, roughly 20% of retail transactions occur online. Businesses that want to grow should have an eCommerce payment strategy. For businesses that sell multiple products online, you’ll likely want more than a single WordPress payment page. This means deploying an online store or ecommerce website so your customers can easily conduct WordPress payments with an online shopping cart.

WooCommerce Payments Integrations

There are multiple ways to deploy an online store in WordPress. One of the most common ways is through the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress. That being said, there are many other online store plugins and integrations that work amazingly well.

TCM makes WordPress payments through WooCommerce extremely simple. Once the basic plugin installation is complete, there are only a few simple configuration steps to connect with TCM for credit card processing. TCM provides you with the payment processing credentials that you simply enter into your WooCommerce plugin settings page.

If you are a developer and want to custom develop a solution, you’re able to use fully control the payment experience with our APIs and sample code.

Recurring payments on WordPress

Some WordPress websites need to enable recurring payments also known as subscription payments. Recurring payments is the process where you automatically charge a credit card on a set frequency such as a weekly, monthly, annual or any other custom timeframe. This type of online payment is typically for service-based businesses or software-as-a-service (SaaS) businesses.

TCM has a recurring billing system for your WordPress website. If you wish to use other recurring payment systems such as Chargebee or Recurly, TCM easily conducts the payment processing behind the scenes.

PCI and online payments with WordPress

There is a security standard call PCI (Payment Card Industry) that helps protect credit card holders and merchants. All merchants that handle credit cards should have some knowledge of PCI and what it means. In general, the topics of PCI include:

  • Proper handling of data by your computer systems
  • The proper way to build software to handle credit cards
  • Guarding against theft of data by employees
  • Guarding against intrusions
  • Managing peoples’ permissions to access software and hardware
Most gateways minimize the impact of PCI concerns for merchants and developers. TCM has a gateway that will handle all PCI concerns. This means no credit card data ever touches a merchant’s website or server. This makes developing an online payment system much more simple.

Getting low cost WordPress payment processing

The mission of TCM is to drive down the cost of payment processing. There are several steps you can take to ensure you get the cheapest credit card processing. Working with TCM for your WordPress payments, you will always have the lowest fees along with world-class payment technology.


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