When do credit card funds get deposited? - Credit Card Processing
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When do credit card funds get deposited?


Our goal is to increase your cash flow and your profitability. We increase your profitability by providing you the best rates. We increase your cash flow by depositing your funds incredibly fast. Here we will describe the timing of your credit card processing funds being deposited into your bank account.

When you run a credit card transaction before 11am, you will receive your funds in your bank by 6pm the same day. When you run a credit card processing transaction after 11am, you will receive your funds the next morning before 11am.

We deposit funds into a business bank account at any Canadian financial institution (not a personal bank account) at any bank or credit union. If you take payments in US funds, we’ll deposit them into your US currency bank account. If you use Canadian funds, we’ll deposit them into your Canadian currency bank account. Some banks have different timings of when they show in your bank account. Some of faster and some are slower.


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